so im just at the house chillin on my day off tryna recover from a fever and a hangover watching porn as usually. so anywho this porn star lacey duvalle is doing the splits on the couch getting her shit pounded and im like eeeyy that looks hella fun then (bing light bulb) i thought to myself why not blog about my fun weekend. anywho my cuzzin sy(up there and yes she is younger than me hard to believe) had a kick it/party at her house. i worked a short ass shift that day and i was ready to get off so i can shake my asss on some peen lol . . . speakin of peen when i go to the east bay i always stay at my moms. but apparently she sent my brother of and had booty call plans of her own sooo i couldnt go home after the deal at sy house!!! any who my nigga macdev came and got me right so we pullin up to sy house and they close neighbor was having a party also. my crazy cuzzin qiqi was already over there drunk in shit so me and dev was like fuck it we gettin on to lol. to be honest iono what i drunk i think it was either grey goose or white rum ,, shit it was prolly both then i washed em down with a wine cooler and half of devs 2. so nigga im on mine you i had a shot of hen earlier lol and everybody knows when im on ITS ON. so im try so im tryna be coo just because i hadnt been drunk since new years. anyways maymay and all her friends was on maymay ass was throwin up in shit. my bestest edwin was there ,, kam & jay and few other niggas. but cboy had me on my back the whole night " miller mad he got a wack ass lip ring and i got a tongue ring ha ha" -cboy i heard that all night. then miller and akicks was roastin dev hair lol too funny.. alot of shit i dont remember OH i remember hoppin in the car with a hottie (wink) .. then rrunnin to 94th so see some more hotties lol. after that i was pretty much toasted lol. woke up hella early still was on hair all fucked up in shit. my nigga mr.nice was tryna roast me cuz i was on and lost my memory. muthafckas was hittin me sayin i was being rude (sigh) i get that alot lol. sunday i was dead at work iono how i made it through that 8 hour shift. lol i came home threw hella snacks together watched the l word a lil porn then went to sleep. good times man. . .
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