DOLLFCEKILLA: where did the name leaders of the new skoo come about and what makes you believe you all are leaders of the new school ??

FLYBOYSKIPPER: Well actually its pretty simple. The name kinda fit us well. && we never follow the usual trends or do what other ppl say is "cool" We stay in our own lane && ppl feel we are kool because of that... the world is filled wit biters && as much as I hate the word... swaggerjackers is not really a good look so we stand out by being us...&& the actual name itself... ppl prolly don't know it but that was the name of busta rhymes group when he first popped on the scene in 92 I believe but yeah that's it in a nutshell
DOLLFCEKILLA: i hate that word too ! ,, so about how manyy members are there in l.n.s ?
FLYBOYSKIPPER: Umm lets see...I'd say 13... we have fam left out for skool or other endevors but around here we got a main core of 6 that everyone sees for the most part. We got me of course ,Kool john , Rossi ,Rance aka yungstudd , Pop && rob. Shoutout to the whole fam tho "we deep out here blaad" *grimey voice*

DOLLFCEKILLA: so out of 6 who do you think has one of the strongest personalities in the crew ? , beside you of course .
FLYBOYSKIPPER: Uhh... that's a hard one... umm I'd have to say Rance. He's like the koolest guy I know you can start a convo up wit him about anything. And he'll make you laugh. yeah all that... plus yungstudd be the ladies man. Lol
DOLLFCEKILLA: so for people who dont know tell me what does l.n.s actually do ?
FLYBOYSKIPPER: well actually... we were first put on from being in a dance group called The Main Event... we were real popular in the richmond area from being in the local talent shows && performing @ the high schools && stuff... but now we do a lil bit of everything, we got some involved in music, actin, teachin dance at afterskool programs, but we really got our "fame" so to speak from promotin parties...&& you can't forget about the shmopfests.:-D
DOLLFCEKILLA: speaking of parties one of my guy friends was at your most recent party in daly city. . .he said it was wild lol can you recall one of l.n.s wildest parties ?
FLYBOYSKIPPER: Wild as far as hella fun? Or wild as far as hella dangerous?

DOLLFCEKILLA: the fun wild ?
FLYBOYSKIPPER: Oh... ok... well sheesh... man... the wildest party we had wasn't even @ a club or anything... we revolutionized the concept of the house party. We call them shmopfests... it where we bring all the elements of a club atmosphere drinks etc. && we put it into a three story house in the suburbs. its literally the best party you ever been to.. IN YOUR LIFE. Its us in our true element.... you gotta come to one... but anyway... this particlular one we had a theme of jerseys, athletic gear shit like that... man.... shmoppin... you can see the pics on the page....We've had 7 so far... we had to lay low for a min cuz it was gettin too hot... too many ppl started hearin about em && we didn't wanna attract the wrong croud.But we got one in the making... && its gon be BIG SPRING BREAK!
DOLLFCEKILLA: an old skoo kidd&playy house party i mos def need to go ,, if you could describe l.n.s in one word what would it be and why ?
FLYBOYSKIPPER: Hmmm....Solid. Cuz... umm.... together we can't be stopped.Lol that sounded hella cliche

DOLLFCEKILLA: lol it did but thats a good one lol ,, what makes l.n.s different from other promotional crews such as preppy sensation ,, bay night life and etc . . .
FLYBOYSKIPPER: Man... lemme tell you about these niggas man............(laughs)jk Umm actually... ppl enjoy themselves @ our events... not really no drama...A lil birdie told me that pse be wit the shenanegans... they make the money they wanna make then they have someone start a fight or shoot in the air to shut the shit down.... I dunno if its true or not... but I don't remember the last time a pse party DIDN'T get shut down... not cool && we actually collab wit baynightlife a lot... were affiliated wit them thru worldclass ent. So yeah they're cool.
DOLLFCEKILLA: yea actually attended a few pse parties and i always have to question if its gonna get shut down ,, how do you think l.n.s has improved from when you all first started out ,, promoting wise and as a crew as a whole ?

FLYBOYSKIPPER: Promoting wise I feel we've gotten more of a followin due to the quality of our events... && ppl having fun will generate a buzz among the ppl && that's what's happening.... && as far as a crew... we grow stronger everyday... when ur with ppl a lot && u have fun wit them a lot you tend to form a bond... so yeah were brothers by now.. && we can't go nowhere but up
DOLLFCEKILLA: so what can pple look foward to coming from l.n.s in the future ?
FLYBOYSKIPPER: Man.... Entertainment..... shmoppin ass parties... new trends to be followed, && the ladies can look forward to the lapdances(winks)
DOLLFCEKILLA: lol i will personally update readers on the lapdances lol ,, is there anything else you would like to say or any shout outs before we end this interview ?
FLYBOYSKIPPER: Umm... first off shout out to pejai sexy ass( thats me =] )...oh && shout out the extended lns/shmop team... there will be a lns mixtape comin out soon... don't worry I'm not rappin or singin ima leave it up to the rest of those guys lol. && yeah.... fly boy skip signin off. .

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